The Big Secret

Pssst….Hey – yeah, you!….c’mere.

Shhhh.  Quiet down.  I’ve got something I want to share with you.  Just you.  No one else….

Wanna guess what it is?  Ugh!  NO – NOT THAT!  What kind of person do you think I am?  Blegh.  Now I’m not sure I want to tell you at all.  Okay, but never say that to me again!

Here it is:  “I’m planning to return to the AT in July.”

I know; that’s not a very good secret.  But after I made such a big deal about doing that huge two week hike starting in mid-May, inviting all of my co-workers, friends and family to follow me on this blog, and then having the whole thing fall apart at mile 53 because it rained for five days straight allowing festering blisters to eat through my heels and into my ankles; well – that was sort of anticlimactic and not the kind of 166 mile triumph I had intended to accomplish.

So this time, I’m not telling anyone but you.

(SPECIAL PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT:  Anytime you participate in an outdoor activity, ALWAYS leave a plan with someone you know who is not also participating in the activity.  Include when you are leaving, when you plan to return, and where you will be while you are gone.  Get scared straight by watching “127 Hours” prior to departing for activity.)

Yes, others know of my plan.  But its not going to be broadcast like before. 

Three weeks from today.  More later.

Doctor Photon