2020; The Zero Mile Year

This year I successfully logged ZERO MILES on the Appalachian Trail.  This is an extremely proud personal accomplishment.  With the COVID-19 virus causing global trouble, I decided early in the year that I would attempt this difficult and daunting personal goal.  I read of others who were hiking the AT in 2020 that made the controversial decision to avoid tacking this challenge and simply kept on hiking.  No judgement here; that’s their decision.  For me, it was matter of challenging myself to do things that I know are difficult but personally fulfilling.

I knew it would take endurance, fortitude, commitment, and stamina, but I also knew it was achievable.  Was I tempted to slack-off and cheat on my commitment?  OF COURSE I WAS!  Breezy summer weekends with sunny days and starry nights, employment leave needing to be used, packs of Pop-Tarts reaching their expiration date; these all conspired to tempt me into cheating.  But I endured.  I persevered.  I stayed home.  And, as I write this on 31 December, I can proudly say that I am one of the elite members of the zero-mile year club for 2020.

Having now succeeded in this accomplishment, I am pretty sure I will not attempt it again.  I am no longer a young man.  I must admit that my age is catching up with me and, for my own good, will likely go back to my old habits of backpacking when the urge hits me.  I’ll definitely get vaccinated when its offered, but then will call it quits.  Here’s to more miles in 2021.

*** HAPPY NEW YEAR *** to all!