Into the Smokies

Faithful readers:

Once again I have been granted some time away from home and work to continue my NOBO (that’s trail-speak for “north bound”) trek on the AT.  On this trip, I will be attempting to hike the 71 miles of AT through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  I am currently writing this entry as I lay in my new REI Quarter Dome tent located just up the hill from the Fontana Dam shelter where I left the trail last May.  And its HOT.  Not the tent, (although it do look pretty *fine*) but the weather.  Its now October and still hitting 90 everyday.  Blegh.  Because its a nice clear night, I have the rain fly pulled aside to provide at least a little air circulation.  And the night sky is beautiful.  An infinite canvas of uncountable stars stretches across the sky just above the canopy of oak trees surrounding my hot little tent.  I hope tomorrow is cooler than today.  If not, that initial 2800′ climb out of Fontana into the park will be like swimming uphill in a sauna.

The drive from my home to GSMNP today was easy and unremarkable.  I parked at the Big Creek Ranger Station where I met my transport driver, Beverly.  She had been shuttling hikers all day and admitted to me that she was tired.  Tired enough to ask me to drive!  I gladly complied.  We had a very nice visit on the way to Fontana, discussing everything from politics to weather, from auto repair to family.  Beverly: if you are reading this, know that you and your family have my prayers.

I sleep now.  Must rest up for the sauna swim into the Smokies.  Yes, the plural of Smoky is Smokies.  See photo.  More tomorrow.

Doctor Photon