Over Albert Mountain

Since it is now mid-October, the days are getting shorter and sunrise is getting later.  Not being a morning person, I’m perfectly happy to sleep until the sky starts to lighten – which turned out to be around 7:00am this morning.  I was up, packed and hiking by 8.  I have found that I can actually make better use of my time in the mornings if I skip making breakfast in the camp and just get up and start hiking.  So this morning, I covered about three miles before I stopped on a ridge with an overlook to take off my pack, pull out the stove, and boil some water for instant oatmeal and coffee.  Below my perch, a low-lying fog filled the valleys between the mountains, giving the impression of gazing across a white ocean of clouds.  I took a few time-delay photos, finished breakfast, and started hiking again.

Before long, I found myself making the hand-over-hand climb up one of the steepest sections on this part of the AT – the ascent up Albert Mountain.  This is actually one of my favorite locations on the trail as I have hiked it multiple times and always enjoy coming to the repeated conclusion of “Wow – I’m glad that’s over.”  This time was no different.  At the summit of Albert is an old firetower, which, of course, must also be climbed.  The view from Albert Mountain was much like what I saw at breakfast – an ocean of clouds.

The rest of the day was spent working my way northward.  I eventually crossed Highway 64 at Winding Stair Gap.  Looking at the map, i knew i would not make it to the next shelter, so I chose a campsite at Moore Creek to start setting up the hammock and begin making dinner.  A lone female hiker heading south also stopped at the campground for the night.  I do not recall her trail name, but I think she said her civilian name was Barb.  She was doing a “flip flop” hike through hike and was heading for Springer Mountain to finish the trail.  I am impressed. 

The trail guide shows I hiked over 16 miles today.  I am again impressed.

Doctor Photon