I’m starting to realize that having signal in the backcountry, having a phone with charge, and having enough energy at the end of a long day of hiking to write something must all align to get a post submitted.
I may have to write some of my entries retroactively (is that even allowed under the rules of journaling?)
It finally stopped raining today and is turning cooler. That will make the long uphill slogs more tolerable. I’ll admit, I packed too much and having picked up my 9 day food supply at Neels Gap, I’m now paying for it. I envy all the other hikers with their ultralight 20 pound load. The bears may get some of their own “trail magic” along the side of the footpath if I get tired enough. Each night, my choice of what to have for dinner basically comes down to “which one of these meals weighs the most?”
Doctor Photon